Seon MacRae's Diary, continued...

In-character discussion

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Seon MacRae's Diary, continued...

Postby Atei on Fri Apr 25, 2003 4:57 pm

Entry 2

Having tired of completing the mundane delivery quests from the merchants in town, I set forth into the wilds of Brittania to practice my skills as a warrior. Little did I know the strength of the creatures of this land. Even the lowliest of creature such as ratmen and lizardmen, which I had dispatched with ease in a previous world, were difficult to vanquish. After narrowly escaping a battle with multiple creatures, I decided to return to town for more training.

I received knowledge of the healing arts from a healer in town, and equipped myself with some bandages. I also used my fledgling leadership skills to convince a mercenary to join me in my adventures. Lucine was to become a vital asset in the adventures ahead.

After purchasing armor for Lucine and equipping her with bandages and a weapon of her own, I returned to the forest north of Britain. This time, I was much more successful in my battles. Although occasionally insubordinate, Lucine’s assistance in defeating my foes was invaluable, and when my healing skills failed to compensate for the damage I was taking, she was able to bandage my wounds and carried me through the toughest encounters. I must remember to emphasize the importance of even rudimentary knowledge of healing to other young adventurers.

With my new skills and my ever-increasing knowledge of swordsmanship, I began to find the inhabitants of the forest north of Britain too easy to defeat. A more knowledgeable warrior brought me to the farmlands east of Skara Brae. The concentration of evil creatures there was higher than the forests around Britain, so this area was more challenging for me. The close proximity of Skara Brae was also convenient for selling any items I received from the creature I destroyed.

A note of caution for young players hunting in this area: do not stray too far from the farmlands, as the creatures encountered quickly become too difficult. I had to flee from a gargoyle I happened upon near the hedge maze. After considering me from across a clearing in the woods, he cast a fireball at me which took half of my health away.

Besides introducing me to this new area, the warrior also explained the importance of camping and eating proper food, knowledge which will be most useful as I continue to train. It seemed odd to me to carry sausage pizza around in my pack, but this particular food proved to be extremely efficient at restoring my stamina when I was overburdened.
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