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win 7 64bit trouble with Razor,automap,uoassist(workingnow)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:26 pm
by Kranisar Loranah
I'm trying to get Razor to work It will load up fine but hangs after entering password. I have 2d client pointed to the wod loader and login server to wod server ip. I can login manually fine.

I just need a program that will track me correctly or mib fishing will be crazy hard.
I tryed uoassist but had issues with it before.

Edit Update:
Well I have everything working. With win7 64 bit. Using AssistUO (updated to UOsteam) and Using UOCartographer.
My problem was I was trying to run UOassist and not AssistUO big differance. The new UOsteam seems to have the same abilitys as Razor had. Also got Razor to work too. Going to try them both to see what I like better.
Edit Update2: It's really nice that UOCartogragher can use map files from UOautomap I still had the old WOD labels for the maps it makes it nice having labels again. I ended up using Razor for awhile but now using UOsteam.

Kranisar Loranah
Mazrim Loranah