Unable to hire henchmen as one of my characters.
Unable to hire henchmen as one of my characters.
I am unable to hire henchmen as Drendru despite only having two on Mack and zero on my other characters. I double checked by talking to a guard on all my characters and saying status to make sure I was not at the limit or had any I didn't know about. When I find a warrior in town I say name hire or name join neither of which do anything despite Drendru having 90 leadership.
Re: Unable to hire henchmen as one of my characters.
Try say 'join' instead of 'name join'.
The Mabelle Family: Ariel, Mastina, Marion, Mabelle, Almas, Chitose, Mineva
We are the quiet ones

We are the quiet ones

Re: Unable to hire henchmen as one of my characters.
That worked thanks Mabelle.
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