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Postby Trakas on Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:05 pm

Well when i first read this i was in shock and awe. I was like this has to be a joke right then read Drockets post and my heart sunk. This place i had come to love and all these people that i may never see again just blew my mind. I would say let me run it but i know i dont have the time or skills and the admin sure dont know me well enough for that to happen, it would mostly be selfish in a way cause i don t want to see this place die. If there is anyone who would take up the reigns that the admin find acceptable i encourage them to do the right thing for them and for all the people that have come to honor them for all the hard work even though as they say alot of it is without reward. I say the reward is seeing the friendships that have grown from something as small as an online video game and seeing all the people sad to see it go. Most shards that i see go down end with people bitching and complaing that the admin dont care. I know for a fact that the admin do care i mean why else would the have put so much work into somethign for so long. Well whatever the admins decide if there is anyway i can help them or if someone new steps in my contact info is on the fellowhip board please contact me and i will do all that is in my power to help. And to all the friends that i have made, please use this same info to keep in touch as i will miss you all greatly. Well enough of my long windedness.
*steps of his box*

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Postby Bayn on Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:35 am

Marius the Black wrote:... To this end, the Admin have expressed that we find someone they can trust, and we, the players have come up with several candidates for Lead Developer.

Bayn -
Tel'Imoen -

Alas, alackaday, dear Marius, please do not include me in any plans of taking up the reins of the current shard in its current state.

P'raps it is best to let WoD die a quiet, normal death. It is the spirit and philosophies of WoD as is endowed within the people that is important and those values can certainly survive the negation of a few megabytes of virtual possessions. Who knows what will transpire in the future? Regardless, rather than bickering or bewailing or demanding, I think we all should just accept.

The Admins have sacrificed more of their lives to WoD than anyone ever had a right to expect of them. This end was bound to come, as was evident quite awhile ago. Rather than belaboring the staff with requests or demands or pleas, grant them the distinction of what they have accomplished for so very many years. They are to be honored.
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Postby Atei on Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:39 am

While I appreciate Marius' vote of confidence, I simply lack the POL understanding to be lead developer. I also don't have a server or, quite frankly, the money to host the shard.

From a distance I can understand that passionate people like Marius want to see WoD continue, but Drocket's point about not handing it over to just anyone has to be considered. The right people would have to take over or WoD would cease to exist, even if the shard kept the name.
Last edited by Atei on Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Some Questions and a Suggestion

Postby Agrarius on Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:38 pm

Hello Folks,

This is the only online game I have found which is appropriate and captivating for my entire family. My three children, (ages 6, 12, and 14) and myself, love to play. Even my wife who does not play takes an active interest in our escapades. In the spirit of saving the shard, I have a couple of questions and one strong suggestion.


1) Does the server need to be relocated?
2) Besides a static IP, what are the bandwidth requirements?

I can not supply vast amounts of time, but may be able to provide hosting.

Suggestion: I would nominate the player known as Aelfwine to continue leadership of the shard.

I know this player professionally. I know he is passionate about WoD, and from a gaming perspective, emboddies much of the spirit of the shard. I am fairly certain he has the technical skills to do the development work. I believe he has the energy and time to carry forward.

I have not seen/heard from him since he relocated to Florida.


What is the significance of September 10th? Good solutions and smooth transitions are rarely completed without thoughtful, careful planning.

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At last!

Postby Marius the Black on Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:19 pm

This is the kind of thing I strongly encourage, not the 'just let it die' argument. Aelfwine, if he formally 'left' WoD, may have left his details in a post somewhere in the Forums. Not to say anything negative of the offer, but I hope more people choose to do so, to take advantage of the current Admin's offer of exchanging the shard into new hands.

Thankyou for making your very kind and generous offer. It is a very fitting example that others might hopefully follow! :flowerpower:

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Postby Malakim on Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:49 pm

Yeah I agree if there is hope to save wod atleast try< I thought of a name for the shard already Life After..... meaning life after wod,make a special place just for the history of wod for people to vist,while there playing. King Mal
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Postby Longshadow on Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:12 pm

Why would you want to pick somebody to take over the shard who doesn't even play here anymore? This Aelfwine person hasn't been heard from for months but you think he would be a good choice for taking over the WoD?

How does that parse?
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Postby Agrarius on Tue Sep 07, 2004 6:33 pm

He relocated to find a new job. I know he has been playing, because my children have seen him playing. I tend to play hours that are very different than his so I have not seen him.

He is technically excellent and embodies the spirit of WoD in his play.

I hope he checks in, though the Hurricane(s) may limit his ability to touch base before the impending shutdown.

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Postby Zack on Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:49 pm

I have seen Aelfwine playing recently, so he does still play.
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Postby Angelic Love on Wed Sep 08, 2004 2:35 am

Everyone probably knows where I come from but I did play on WoD while the fait of Ackadia was being decided about three years ago.

At first I didn't want to post to this thread or any due to not wanting anyone to take what I say the wrong way because I come from that "other" shard. Jordan posted on the Ackadia boards. I know he feels strongly about WoDs, especially from the post that he made.

I'm very sorry that this is happening to all of you. I actually never thought that this would happen.

I can't really think of anything else to say, except sorry......
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Postby Aislin on Wed Sep 08, 2004 5:02 pm

There are people here who would fit the criteria that has been mentioned. There are people here who can script, who have the computer literacy for the task. I know beyond anything there are people here who have the time and patience and the passion to take this shard into the future. Trustworthy people who only want whats best for WOD.

I was so hopeful that a solution could be found to keep our beloved shard open. But i dont see any way of that happening without the help of the current staff. Time would be needed to hand the reins over properly, but this time has not been allowed what does that tell you? It's not gonna happen..

Im not sure i even blame them. At first i was so into trying to figure out a solution. Then the sadness sunk in and i could think of nothing else but my loss. The staff deserves to be honored for their dedication. This was their brainchild, their nights and weekends, their passion. It's gone above and beyond anyones expectations.

Is there someone else trustworthy and dependable? Is there someone out there who loves it as much and could do the job as well.....i believe there is.

If there is anyway that this can happen...that WOD, this shard, this family can stay together then count me in 100 percent.

But im not so selfish and wrapped up in my own misery to appreciate the time that i did have here.

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Postby Adroi Andune on Thu Sep 09, 2004 12:46 pm

I was going to call this the third time. However, as I wrote, I realized this is the second time we have been at this bridge. Or maybe the first time at this paticular bridge, which looks much worse then the very first one does now.

Oh yeah we've changed host with minor bumps in the road. However those were orcharstated. We even changed "lead" scripters. However that too was orchrastated. And they all occured at different times.

But the first time we came to a bridge like this we had at least a scripter left. And someone came from out of the blue to be host. Some continuity remained.

This time it all feels so differents. At least two major chunks are going out ( scripter, host ). Not sure if the rest of the staff became tired, of what surely must feel like a truely thankless job. I thank them for a terrific job.

But I do have one thing puzzling me as time ticks down. I'm not sure how recently or quickly they came to this point. Why not have mentored someone for the next step? :(

Anyhow soon we will all leap from the bridge, and the journey will have been wonderful.

Once again thank you past and present behind the scene workers for doing what surely is a thankless, tedious and time consuming job.

I bid you all farewell.
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Postby Eventhia Leir on Fri Sep 10, 2004 3:57 pm

Wow, what to say. I've been away for the last 2 months, moving and gettting my new house together.
I don't post on the boards very much, my typing skill and spelling suck, but I thought I needed to say goodbye to a few people. BUT I WILL NOT...
To all of those who have come to save my sorry butt and all those who put up with me when I'm trying to be funny, to all of those who have touched my heart all I can say is UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN.

Eventhia Leir
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